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Build a business that fits your current season of life as a mom in business.

Visibility strategist for moms in business who want to increase their visibility and sell their offers without relying on social media.

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how to get on podcasts as a guest

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I’ve guested on, in the last couple of weeks, 10 different podcasts and counting, and all of them have come either from your directory or from a group that you gave us in the directory, which then led to more opportunities. In a month and a half, I’ve seen that much momentum just by doing exactly what you said to do and just using the opportunities that you’re putting out there.

-Jill Lerman

After just 1.5 months inside The Social Media Detox Club, Jill booked and recorded 10 (and counting) podcast interviews:

  • She got in front of 10 new audiences filled with her ideal clients
  • She expanded her network and connected with 10 collaboration partners
  • She stopped relying on Instagram to generate leads for her business
  • She found a visibility and lead generation strategy that fits her season of life as a mom and business owner

Meet Jill Lerman

Jill is an early childhood educator, play and parenting coach, play expert, and a mama. 

Her mission and passion are to empower overwhelmed parents and caregivers to connect and engage with their young children through play and to make parenting fun and manageable. 

Before joining The Social Media Detox Club, she relied on Instagram, word-of-mouth referrals, and her local community to find clients.

how to get on podcasts as a guest

Jill was tired of consistently showing up on Instagram and not having her content pushed out to her community. 

“Sometimes the people that had been with me the longest that are the most engaged, [they would say] I’m not showing up in their feed. Then I’ll get a message that’s like, ‘Wait. I never saw you posting about this.’ And I was like, I’ve been posting about it every day, but they’re just not seeing it.”

Being a mom of a young child and her primary caretaker while running a business brought its challenges. If her daughter got sick, Jill couldn’t be as present on socials as she wanted, which impacted her visibility and sales. She was also tired of feeling stressed during those times when she couldn’t publish her content at a specific time or couldn’t show up on stories. 

Jill knew there had to be a better way to increase her visibility and sell her offers based on her current season of life. She saw other creators and entrepreneurs she followed, guesting on podcasts, speaking at summits, and participating in bundles, and wanted to do those things too. She wanted to know how to get on podcasts as a guest and find speaking engagements and bundles to participate in. She just needed someone to show her where to find these opportunities and how to truly leverage them to increase her visibility and attract her dream clients.

All of that changed when Jill joined The Social Media Detox Club…

Jill was looking for other ways to grow her business, and The Social Media Detox Club was exactly what she needed.

“It felt like you were just speaking directly to me, with a lot of what you were sharing and so many of the frustrations that I had been experiencing, relying pretty much solely on social media.”

Since joining the membership, Jill has:

  • Guested on 10 podcasts (and counting)
  • Been accepted to every collaboration she has applied for
  • Added over 50 people to her email list from a single bundle she participated in

How The Social Media Detox Club supported Jill in getting on 10 podcasts in less than 2 months

The Visibility and Collaboration Directory

Each week, the Visibility and Collaboration Directory is updated with new collaboration opportunities for podcast guesting, bundle collaborations, and speaking engagements. The directory includes a section for each collaboration opportunity outlining who would be an ideal collaborator, details about the requirements, and the link to apply. Jill has been able to find and apply for the best fit opportunities, which is why she has been accepted to each collaboration she has applied for.

The Collaboration Tracker

how to get on podcasts as a guest

The collaboration tracker has contributed to Jill’s success because it helps her have a system for staying organized. With the tracker, she is able to keep track of what podcast guesting opportunities she has applied for, when she has to promote the podcast episodes, the number of leads she generated from each collaboration, what resources she shared during her podcast interview, and whether or not this is a collab partner she wants to work with again in the future.

Day of Voxer & Slack Community

“Through our day in Voxer and also just through the other support that you offer in the Slack group, both individually and to the group, have helped me widen who that audience is and what kind of opportunities I could be right for.”

When Jill joined the membership, as part of the onboarding, she was able to schedule a day in Voxer with me. During that time, we fleshed out her signature topics for podcast guesting. We realized that her support was not limited to stay at home parents or parents who worked outside of the home, but her expertise could greatly benefit parents running businesses. This opened up so many more collaboration opportunities for her.

how to get on podcasts as a guest

The ultimate factor that has contributed to Jill’s success is…

Her willingness and determination to implement the resources and tools presented to her. Jill listens to the monthly trainings, completes the monthly visibility plans, and applies for the opportunities that are right for her niche. 

“If someone gives me the blueprint and the tools, I will take it, and I will do it step by step, and I will I will do it. I’ll run with it. And you’ve given us those tools. So I feel like, for me, I just didn’t know how to get there. And once the road was kinda clear, and the path was clear, and the steps were clear, I just followed them, and it all was happening.”

Now that Jill has increased her visibility, she’s also ready to nurture and convert her growing community into her paid offers.

The Social Media Detox Club is not just about attracting your dream clients through collaborations. A major focus is moving your growing community along the customer journey and converting them into your paid offers and programs. Jill has created resources to get these new podcast listeners onto her email list to nurture and convert them. 

how to get on podcasts as a guest

The monthly trainings walks you through how to create high valued resources that connect to your signature topics to move podcast listeners to join your community and learn more about you. 

Getting on podcasts and participating in other collaborations doesn’t have to be hard.

When you join The Social Media Detox Club, you are provided with the tools, resources, and support you need to increase your visibility and generate new leads monthly without relying on social media. You won’t have to wonder how to get on podcasts as a guest because you have access to everything you need to start applying for the right podcast guest opportunities immediately.

You can build a visibility strategy that fits your current season of life as a busy mama, and The Social Media Detox Club shows you exactly how. 

Connect with Jill:

how to get on podcasts as a guest

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Build a business that fits your current season of life as a work from home mom.

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