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If you’re a mom in business with a podcast or who wants to start a podcast, your top priority should be how to monetize a podcast without sponsorships. Often, when we hear “podcast monetization” or “how to monetize a podcast,” most people point to sponsorships. In this blog, I’m breaking down the quickest and easiest way to monetize a podcast as a mompreneur. 

How to Monetize a Podcast Without Sponsorships

how to monetize a podcast

The quickest way to make money from your podcast is by selling your own offers in your podcast content. Your offers are already available for people to invest in. You don’t have to wait until you hit so many downloads or grow your listenership to a certain amount to start monetizing your podcast. When you sell your own offers and products on your podcast, you can start monetizing your podcast from the start. This can be done by selling your offers directly in your podcast episodes. Also, you can insert dynamic ads about specific offers and products in your podcast episodes. 

Why You Should Prioritize Monetizing Your Podcast With Your Own Offers Instead of Sponsorships

While podcast sponsorships are great, there are requirements that have to be met in order to start getting sponsors. Podcast sponsors require a certain level of engagement and number of downloads over a period of time. You also have to consider the types of sponsors you will partner with. Are they businesses that are relevant to your listeners? Another factor to consider is the overall listener experience. How many times have you stopped listening to a podcast episode because there were too many ads? When you focus on monetizing your podcast with your own offer suite, you can easily connect the ad or offer you’re selling to the episode topic, which won’t take away from the listener experience.

How to Monetize a Podcast With Your Own Offers: The Strategy 

The key to converting your podcast listeners into clients is creating strategic content that moves them along the customer journey. Inside my Podcast Content Planning VIP Experience, we apply the INCOME framework to your podcast content, which will turn your listeners into your hottest leads ready to invest in your offers. 


Before you can start creating podcast content that converts, you need to set clear intentions for your podcast. What are your podcast goals? What is the purpose of your podcast? Intentionality is what drives conversions.


You have to know who you are serving and how you are serving them with your podcast. When you are clear on who your ideal listener is and how you can best support them through your podcast content, creating podcast content will be easy, and you will see results.


One way to move your podcast listeners to action is by building a deeper connection with them. You can connect with your listeners by being your authentic self in your podcast content. Your listeners also want to hear your beliefs and values, and thought leadership. Also, infuse storytelling into your podcast content. Storytelling helps your listeners see themselves in your story, in your clients’ stories, and in your offers.

how to monetize a podcast


When you leverage your podcast content with SEO, your podcast becomes a powerhouse for your business. Podcast SEO increases your visibility, discoverability, and searchability. Your dream clients will find your podcast when you prioritize SEO for each episode.


If you want to know if your podcast is actually converting your listeners into clients, you need to track this information. This may look like asking on your onboarding form how a client found you or using unique links to track the traffic coming from your podcast. 


Last but certainly not least is selling in your podcast content. When you create podcast content that connects directly to your offers, selling your offers in your episodes happens naturally. You should have clear call to actions in every podcast episode that tells listeners what they need to do after they binge your podcast content. 

Recap of How to Monetize a Podcast Without Sponsorships

Before jumping through hoops to monetize your podcast through sponsorships, start by selling your own offers and products. This is the fastest way to start making money from your podcast. The key to successfully monetizing your podcast with your own offers is to create strategic podcast content that attracts the right listeners and nurtures and converts them into your specific offers. 

If you aren’t sure what type of podcast content to create or need support with getting started with podcast SEO, I can support you inside of my VIP Experience. When we work together in the VIP Experience, you will have 3-6 months’ worth of strategic podcast content mapped out for you, including podcast episode titles and keywords for each episode. Click here to learn more about the VIP Experience. 

how to monetize a podcast

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