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Build a business that fits your current season of life as a mom in business.

Visibility strategist for moms in business who want to increase their visibility and sell their offers without relying on social media.

let's work together!

Launch your podcast and start attracting your highest quality leads

Even if you’re not sure what podcast topics you should talk about, have a small audience, or feel like you don’t have enough time to commit to a podcast.

I NEED This!

"After meeting with other podcast managers and/or launch managers, their services were not as comprehensive or multi-faceted. You broke down the process that felt like a huge undertaking into very manageable steps that were easy to complete one by one. The biggest shift I saw in business while we worked together was getting really clear on who my "person" is and what they most need my help with to grow in their business."

-April L., Speaking Coach, Digital Program Consultant, Podcaster

“Your experience as a VA and as a mom really shines through in your ability to focus in on what's really valuable, while also having a clear, organized set of steps to follow for success.”

Mama, you’re tired of being at the mercy of the algorithm and desire more control and predictability in your content reaching your ideal clients. 

You’re a powerhouse business owner who gets your clients results.

You can serve more of your dream clients without posting on Instagram multiple times a day, 7 days a week.

There’s just one thing holding you back…

You have yet to hit publish on your podcast because you aren’t sure how to actually make your podcast idea a reality.

You’re searching Google for the best podcast recording equipment and get overwhelmed by all the information available. 

You wonder if you will have enough podcast topic ideas to keep your podcast going.

Your time and capacity are limited between being a mom and running a business, so you question if you will be able to realistically maintain a podcast.

Knowing what to actually focus on and put your energy into as a mom and solopreneur can feel overwhelming. 

Trust me, I get it.

Especially when you’ve tried batching content, choosing only one platform to focus on for your marketing, committing to only posting 3-5x per week, and every other marketing strategy you’ve been told will guarantee you new clients monthly.

I know how you feel because as a visibility strategist for moms, I’ve helped other mamas just like you overcome the struggles you’re currently facing.

And I’m here to help.

I help moms in business launch a podcast that attracts, nurtures, and converts their dream clients into their paid offers and programs.

If starting a podcast for your business feels stressful, welcome.

Like you, when I first thought about starting a podcast, it felt like an impossible task. I wasn’t sure how I would never run out of content ideas, let alone actually sign clients from my podcast.  

Since launching my podcast in October 2022, I have published over 200 episodes and counting and have signed the dreamiest clients directly from my podcast. I’ve gone on to help other mamas launch podcasts that increase their visibility and attract their best fit clients with my INCOME framework inside the VIP Podcast Launch.

I’m Andria 

Hey, Mama! 

All of this is possible for you in just 8 weeks.

Here’s how…

Done for you podcast launch for moms in business who want to expand their reach, make a greater impact, and attract their dream clients on autopilot.

Let's Chat

Because here’s what happens when you launch a podcast with high converting content:

The VIP Podcast Launch

With results like these…

Hitting the US Apple Podcast Charts for Entrepreneurship on launch day

Signing 4-figure clients through strategic podcast content

Receiving reviews and DMs from listeners saying your podcast content was exactly what they needed

I am confident that I can help you launch a podcast that is a pivotal part of your visibility and marketing strategy, too!

You’ll finally have a process for generating quality leads on autopilot

You’ll be able to consistently create powerful content that calls in your dream clients without posting on socials multiple times a day

You’ll feel so much peace, spending your days with your babies, going to the park, and going on Target runs, all without being tied to your phone.  

"You always, makes the process so smooth and does the heavy lifting so you can just show up and record! The biggest shift I saw in myself while work with you was feeling confident about talking about my offer in the podcast and learning how to make each episode enhance what I’m doing in other areas of my business! The strategy and support you provide is exceptional. Love getting to work with you and take in all of your business knowledge!"

-Dr. Veronica S., Nervous System Focused Mindset Coach and Business Mentor, Podcaster

“I’ve gotten to work with Andria in the past and knew exactly who to call when I realized that this podcast would align perfectly with a hands off maternity leave!”

Here’s how the VIP Podcast Launch will help you call in your dreamiest clients:

Podcast Launch Intensive: Gain clarity on your podcast goals and create a strategy that supports you with achieving those goals.

Podcast Recording Equipment Support: Know what equipment you actually need to record your episodes. All you have to do is record, and I will handle the rest of the tech, making it a smooth and easy process.

Podcast Hosting Set Up and Distribution to Podcast Listening Apps: Set up your podcast host for optimization and increased searchability. Distribution to the various podcast listening apps for increased discoverability. 

Chartable Set Up for Podcast Analytics and Ranking on Apple Podcasts: Set up of your podcast on Chartable to track your downloads, see all reviews, and track when your podcast lands on the Apple Podcast Charts for your niche.

Recording Scripts for Intro, Outro, Trailer, and Launch Episodes: With these recording scripts, you will know exactly what to say to ensure that your podcast content resonates with your ideal listener and supports your goals.

Production of 3 Launch Episodes and Show Assembly: No need to stress over editing your episodes or figuring out how to mix in your music with your intro and outro recording because all of that is handled for you. 

Podcast Cover Art and Promotional Graphics: Professional cover art and graphics that match your brand and create a powerful first impression with new listeners. 

Podcast Marketing & Monetization Plan: Develop a marketing plan to ensure your podcast launch is a success. Learn how to create podcast content that converts listeners into clients and how to confidently sell in your podcast episodes with expert coaching.

List of 20 Keywords for Podcast SEO: Keywords for your podcast niche that will support with increasing your searchability and discoverability in the podcast listening apps and on Google.

Offboarding Support: Access to a Loom library of podcast editing and management tutorials to support you with maintaining your podcast with ease if you decide to not continue with monthly management support. You also receive 6 weeks of Voxer support to have me in your back pocket to answer any questions or troubleshoot any problems that may arise post launch.

Your Investment for the VIP Podcast Launch: $2500

Options for pay in full or a plan of up to 8 monthly payments.

3 months’ worth of podcast content

Keywords for each episode to boost SEO and ensure your dream clients are finding your podcast

Suggested episode titles

A call to action for each episode helping you to clearly point your listeners to your paid offers and programs

**When you book your VIP Podcast Launch by December 31, 2024, you get the BONUS of the VIP Experience, which includes:

"Andria made launching my podcast fun and easy. With my new podcast, I have confidence that working with Andria gave me. Confidence I would have never gotten had she not guided me. But not only that, this process has helped me cut wayyyy down on my personal marketing time. As a mom and closet introvert, that's the best gift working with Andria has given me."

-Rebekah M., Copywriter and Content Strategist, Podcaster

“I went from having a fear of public speaking to owning my voice personality!”

Get to work

Schedule your intensive

You will receive the link to schedule your podcast launch intensive and an onboarding email with the next steps.

Secure your spot

We will meet for the podcast launch intensive, map out your podcast launch your marketing and monetization plans, set your podcast launch timeline, and get to work!

Once you approve the proposal, you will be prompted to sign the agreement and pay the retainer fee (required for both pay in full and payment plan options) to secure your spot for a podcast launch.




Here’s what happens when you say yes to hitting publish on your podcast:

We create a plan just for you

Let’s talk about it

You’ll schedule a free consultation so we can meet face to face via Zoom, get to know each other, discuss your podcast idea, and discuss how I can best support you. (Ps, Don’t have time to hop on Zoom? Feel free to reach out to me via Voxer: @mamaturnedmompreneur so we can chat. I’m a busy mama too so I totally understand Zoom is not always doable).

After we meet via Zoom or Voxer and you say you’re ready to hit publish, you will receive a custom proposal outlining what we discussed and everything included in the VIP Podcast Launch. 



I'm ready!

A: Yes, I do! During the podcast launch intensive, we will map out your podcast launch episodes together. I have a specific formula I follow that will help us narrow down what the first 3 episodes should focus on.

Q: I’m not sure what my podcast launch episodes should be about. Do you support with podcast content planning?

A: You don’t need to have any experience hosting your own podcast; however, I highly recommend guesting on a few podcasts or doing some speaking engagements first to ensure that you enjoy creating content in this format.

You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to have any podcasting experience to start a podcast?

A: The equipment and software I recommend will cost you less than $200. I choose the most cost effective, yet efficient equipment and software.

Q: How much is the podcast equipment and software I will need to launch my podcast? 

A: I set aside 8 weeks for each podcast launch because sometimes life happens, and I don’t want us to rush (especially if you’re a mama like me). 

Q: How long will it take to launch the podcast?

A: You’re ready to launch a podcast if:
  • You have a validated offer that you have successfully sold and supported clients in
  • You’re clear on who you are serving and how you are serving them
  • You’re ready to expand your reach beyond social media to make a greater impact and serve more people inside your offers
  • You have previously guested on podcasts or done speaking engagements, and you enjoy creating content in this format

Q: How can I be sure I’m ready to launch a podcast?

"She has provided me step-by-step instructions to create a successful podcast, from planning to strategy to implementation. She never hesitated to answer all of my questions in a professional and positive manner. Throughout the process, she keeps me on track like no one else because of her exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail. It has been an extreme pleasure to have the opportunity to work with such a professional in the field."

-Marcia B., Coach for Early Childhood Educators and Podcaster

“Getting the opportunity to work with mama turned mompreneur has been life-changing.”

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

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Hey Mama!

Build a business that fits your current season of life as a work from home mom.

let's work together!