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email marketing how to

Listen to today’s episode on Email Marketing: How to Get Started with Emailing Your List

Hey, Mama! If you are getting serious about email marketing and how to get started with email your list, today’s episode is for you. I’m answering all of your burning questions about creating engaging email content. I also share strategies for overcoming the mindset blocks holding you back from sending your email subscribers an email.

Main Topics Covered in this Episode:

  • The difference between an email broadcast and a newsletter
  • How to create engaging email content
  • Do I need to sound professional in my emails?
  • Deciding on how often to email your list

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

Related Episodes and Blog Posts:

email marketing how to

Email Marketing: How to Get Started with Emailing Your List

I’m a firm believer in leveraging email marketing in your business, but it can be hard figuring out how to confidently hit send on your first email. Thoughts like, what should I say to my email community, or do I need to sound professional, can keep you from emailing your list. Keep reading to learn how to get started with emailing your list.

Email Broadcast vs. Newsletter

Before we dive into what to email your subscribers, you need to know the difference between an email broadcast and newsletter.

Email Broadcast

An email broadcast focuses on one main topic and is formatted differently from a newsletter. The format for an email broadcast typically doesn’t include different sections. It generally has one call to action and will link to a specific offer or resource you are promoting in the email, and can include GIFs.


A newsletter has more than one focus in that it includes community updates, the latest events, announcements, and new content (e.g., podcasts, blogs, etc.). Newsletters are longer compared to an email broadcast. The format resembles a newsletter with the multiple sections. There may be more design elements too.

Email Marketing: How to Create Engaging Email Content

So what do I actually say in my emails? Will people really be interested in reading my emails? Most likely, one or both of these questions has crossed your mind. Emailing your list gets to be fun, so a lot of what you think you should do doesn’t necessarily apply.

Do I Need to Sound Professional in My Emails?

Don’t think of emails in terms of corporate or academic speech. Emailing your list should feel like writing a letter to a close friend or how we used to pass notes in grade school. The key to building an engaged email community is to focus on building relationships with your subscribers. Allow them to get to know the real you.

Don’t Check Your Personality at the Door

Your personality should be infused in your emails. Your subscribers can’t get to know the real you if you don’t show them the real you. One way to infuse your personality into your emails is through storytelling. Share stories that are relevant to your audience:

  • Stories that speak to where your email community is currently at in life or business
  • Personal stories sharing your struggles that your email list can relate to
  • Stories that tie into your niche or highlights how you can support your community through your offers

In addition to storytelling, create email content that you know your subscribers actually want. If you’re not sure what they want, do market research to find out what they want to learn from you.

You Have to Train Your Audience to Engage with Your Emails

A big part of creating engaging email content includes actually getting people to engage with your email content through clicking links and reply to your emails. You have to train your email community to click links and reply to your emails. To get your email subscribers to start engaging with your email content, you have to:

  • Include links that they can click in every email. The links can be hyperlinked text and/or buttons.
  • Ask open-ended questions, encourage them to hit reply, and let them know you will respond.
  • Respond to every email reply you receive. Not responding can cost you the relationship you were building with your subscribers.

How Often Should You Email Your List?

If you are planning to monetize your email list, you have to move away from the mindset that you’re bothering your list when you email them. If you are paying for an email service provider, then you are paying for your subscribers to be on your email list, which means you have every right to email them.

When deciding how often to email your list, look at your goals and your current capacity. If your goal is to monetize your email list, you need to email your list at a higher frequency (i.e., a minimum of 1x per week). Emailing your list at a higher frequency helps you earn their trust and keeps you at top of mind.

Getting Started with Emailing Your List Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

Stop overthinking your emails. You have to get out of your head about what to email your list and whether or not you are saying the right thing. However, you won’t know until you start emailing your list. Not every email is going to be a hit with your audience, and that’s okay. Email marketing is a great way to learn about your audience. The more emails you send, the easier it will be and the better you will get at it.

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More About the Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast:


Mama, are you tired of feeling stressed and overwhelmed trying to start and grow your online business with your babies at home? Are you over feeling frustrated with not having enough time to dedicate to growing your online business? Do you desire to build a profitable business while still being fully present for your children and pouring into yourself? Mama, you can build your dream business and be the wife and mama you want to be without burnout, and I’m going to show you exactly how. Tune in each week to the Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast to learn business strategies made for mamas with babies and toddlers at home, how to grow your online business in part-time hours, and how to build a profitable business that fits your current season of life as a busy mama.

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