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Build a business that fits your current season of life as a work from home mom.

Life and business coaching for work from home moms ready to build a profitable business without relying on social media

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marketing trend

Listen to today’s episode on You Don’t Need to Hop on Every Marketing Trend:

Pre-PS, Since recording this episode, I changed the name of the masterclass LOL. It’s now called the Build a Visibility Strategy that Fits Your Current Season of Life.

Hey, Mama! If you’re feeling the pressure to hop on a new marketing trend or struggling to keep up with your marketing as a busy mama, today’s episode is for you. In this episode, I share my thoughts on why you need to stop hopping on every marketing trend. I also discuss why you need to simplify your marketing strategy and do it in a way that you enjoy.

Main Topics Covered in this Episode:

  • Why you don’t need to hop on every marketing trend
  • What you actually need to focus on in your marketing
  • Why it’s important to enjoy the marketing platforms you are on

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

Related Episodes and Blog Posts:

marketing trend

A New Marketing Trend Won’t Fix Your Marketing Strategy

It’s easy to get caught up in every new marketing trend. You see other business owners hopping on it, and it seems fun and exciting, but the real question is, will it get you results in your business? The reality is that a new marketing trend or platform won’t work if you don’t have an effective marketing strategy. Without knowing who your ideal client is, what their pain points and desires are, and how to communicate those things in your content, your marketing strategy will not work on any platform.

Why Moms in Business Shouldn’t Focus on Marketing Trends

As a mom, your time and capacity are limited. Realistically, you can’t afford to waste time learning a new platform each time it comes out. You have to be focused and intentional in what you do in your businesses. When you’re a mom running a business with young children at home, less is more. This means keeping things in your business simple so you can actually maintain it.

What You Should Focus on When it Comes to Marketing Your Business

Here are a few things you should prioritize over following each new marketing trend:

  • Implement marketing strategies you enjoy: Choose 2-3 marketing platforms that you enjoy and learn the ins and outs of each. Give it at least 90 days before you decide it’s not working for you.
  • Make sure you are speaking the language your ideal client is speaking: If you are speaking to the wrong people, it doesn’t matter what platform you market on, you will not attract clients. If your messaging is off or isn’t resonating with your dream clients, do market research.
  • Choose marketing platforms that align with your current season of life: If keeping up with your marketing is stressful, then you need to simplify it. Make sure the marketing platforms you are on are realistic for your current capacity.
  • Sell your offers in your content: Give value but also invite your audience to work with you. If you don’t tell them that you are a business and that you are open to new clients, they will not know.

If you are looking to start leveraging low energy visibility strategies made for moms with littles at home, join me on Tuesday, June 4, for the Build a Visibility Strategy that Fits Your Current Season of Life Masterclass. It’s a free masterclass, so make sure you register. If you are reading this after June 4, click the link to grab the replay.

Connect with Andria:

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Did you know you can leave me a message on Speakpipe? Yes, you can leave me a message asking me any questions related to being a mompreneur, balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, running an online business, and podcasting! Head on over to Speakpipe to leave me a message with your question, and I will include your voice message in the episode I answer your question. Click here to leave me a message right now!

More About the Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast:


Mama, are you tired of feeling stressed and overwhelmed trying to start and grow your online business with your babies at home? Are you over feeling frustrated with not having enough time to dedicate to growing your online business? Do you desire to build a profitable business while still being fully present for your children and pouring into yourself? Mama, you can build your dream business and be the wife and mama you want to be without burnout, and I’m going to show you exactly how. Tune in each week to the Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast to learn business strategies made for mamas with babies and toddlers at home, how to grow your online business in part-time hours, and how to build a profitable business that fits your current season of life as a busy mama.

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Hey Mama!

Build a business that fits your current season of life as a work from home mom.

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