Listen to today’s episode on Is Podcasting Oversaturated? 3 Myths Stopping You from Starting a Podcast and How to Overcome Them:
Episode Description:
Having been in the podcasting space for almost 3 years, one question I am often asked is, “Is podcasting oversaturated?” Maybe that thought has crossed your mind and is why you haven’t hit publish on your podcast. Or maybe you think you don’t have the time to launch and manage a podcast or that starting a podcast is too hard. If any of these thoughts have crossed your mind, today’s episode is for you. In today’s episode, I break down the three myths holding you back from starting a podcast and how to overcome them.
Main Topics Covered in this Episode:
- Answering is podcasting oversaturated and busting 2 other podcasting myths
- The root issue of each of these myths
- Solutions to overcoming these myths so you can start your podcast

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:
Connect with Andria:
- Let’s connect on Instagram @Mamaturnedmompreneur
- Join the Marketing without Socials for Moms Email Community

Want to be featured on the podcast?
Did you know you can leave me a message on Speakpipe? Yes, you can leave me a message asking me any questions related to being a mompreneur, balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, running an online business, and podcasting! Head on over to Speakpipe to leave me a message with your question, and I will include your voice message in the episode I answer your question. Click here to leave me a message right now!
More About the Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast:

Hey mama, are you tired of feeling burnt out with your online business? Maybe you’re offering an array of services but still not reaching your monthly income goals. Do you desire to earn more while working less? Do you wish to be fully present with your family while scaling your online business? Are you ready to get all the deets on how to successfully grow and scale your online business with little ones running circles around you? If yes, then Mama Turned Mompreneur is the podcast for you! Each week, I share actionable tips on growing and scaling your online business without sacrificing motherhood or your sanity.
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