Listen to today’s episode on Does the Thought of Launching a Podcast Leave You Feeling Overwhelmed?: My #1 Hack for Confidently Launching Your Podcast
There are a lot of moving pieces when it comes to launching your podcast. From figuring out the tech to mapping out your podcast content, the thought of launching a podcast can leave you feeling overwhelmed. In today’s episode, I’m sharing my #1 hack for confidently launching your podcast. You can launch your podcast without feeling overwhelmed, and I’m going to show you how.
Main Topics Covered in this Episode:
- My #1 hack for launching your podcast without feeling overwhelmed: Taking messy action
- Why it’s important to take messy action
- What it looks like to take messy action when launching your podcast
Resources Mentioned in the Episode:
- Join me January 22-28 for the 7 Day Pod Launch Get It Done Week. In 7 days, we will launch your podcast without you feeling overwhelmed. Head to mamaturnedmompreneur.com/getitdone to grab your spot now.
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How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Launch Your Podcast
When it comes to launching a podcast, the one thing that can keep you from taking action is feeling overwhelmed. If you allow feeling overwhelmed to keep you from taking action, your podcast will remain a dream or a goal on your vision board. The number one way to get over feeling overwhelmed and actually launch your podcast is to take messy action. Keep reading to learn four ways you can take messy action, stop feeling overwhelmed, and launch your podcast.
How to Take Messy Action, Stop Feeling Overwhelmed, and Launch Your Podcast
Silence the Negative Thoughts
You are your own worst critic, and your negative thoughts are resulting in you feeling overwhelmed when it comes to launching a podcast. Taking messy action means silencing your negative thoughts. This looks like reframing those thoughts to reflect the truth. For example, if you’re telling yourself that you can’t launch a podcast, reframe it by telling yourself you can learn as you go.
Deal with Your Mindset Blocks
In addition to dealing with negative thoughts, there are other mindset hurdles that are going to come up, leading to you feeling overwhelmed. One mindset block you may have is believing you need to be a 6 figure business owner. You may believe your podcast has to be perfect before you can launch it. None of these beliefs are true. Podcasting is a skill that improves with practice. You will learn and grow as you go, but that requires you to hit publish on episode one. There are people who need to hear your voice and the value you can bring through a podcast. The impact you make is not determined by the number in your bank account.
Stop Researching How to Launch a Podcast
If you’re continuously consuming resources on how to launch a podcast from multiple resources, it’s no surprise you’re feeling overwhelmed. There is so much information online about how to launch a podcast, and everyone has a different way of doing it. The process you follow should be determined by your podcast goals. You want to make sure the launch process you follow is going to support you with achieving your podcasting goals. For instance, if you are looking to monetize your podcast with your paid offers and programs, don’t follow the advice of someone who focuses on monetization through sponsorships. Stop researching, take messy action, and launch your podcast.
Stop Stressing Over the Podcast Tech
Truthfully, the technical aspects of launching a podcast are the least of your concerns because you only have to launch once. There are ways to simplify the tech and the entire launch process, which is what I will show you how to do during my 7 Day Pod Launch Get It Done Week. You don’t need all the bells and whistles or the fancy equipment when you launch. As your podcast grows and you learn more, you can expand your podcast. You don’t need to launch with a video podcast, especially if you aren’t a video editor and don’t have one on your team. Keep it simple and hit publish on your podcast.
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More About the Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast:

Mama, are you tired of feeling stressed and overwhelmed trying to start and grow your online business with your babies at home? Are you over feeling frustrated with not having enough time to dedicate to growing your online business? Do you desire to build a profitable business while still being fully present for your children and pouring into yourself? Mama, you can build your dream business and be the wife and mama you want to be without burnout, and I’m going to show you exactly how. Tune in each week to the Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast to learn business strategies made for mamas with babies and toddlers at home, how to grow your online business in part-time hours, and how to build a profitable business that fits your current season of life as a busy mama.
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