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Build a business that fits your current season of life as a mom in business.

Visibility strategist for moms in business who want to increase their visibility and sell their offers without relying on social media.

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life first business

Listen to today’s episode on 3 Things That Led to Me Building a Life First Business:

Hey, Mama! When you’re running a business as a mom, your priorities look different compared to those who are running businesses without kids at home. This means that how you operate in your business also looks different. For many of us mamas, we want to build a life first business that allows us to be the present mamas we desire to be. In today’s episode, I’m taking you behind the scenes of what I’ve done to build a life first business.

Main Topics Covered in this Episode:

  • How I’m building a life first business
  • Why implementing these strategies and boundaries has been effective in creating a life first business
  • Tips for getting started with building a life first business

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

Related Episodes and Blog Posts:

life first business

Why Building a Life First Business is Important as a Mom

Many of us started our businesses so we would have the freedom to be home with our babies while making an income and having something for ourselves. In order to be a present mama while running a business, you have to build your business in a way that supports the life you want to live. You need time freedom and flexibility, which is why you have to build a life first business.

3 Things That Led to Me Building a Life First Business

Prioritizing Visibility Strategies OFF Socials

Let’s be real, posting on social media 24/7 does not support building a life first business. Since your time and capacity are limited as a mom running a business, you have to be strategic and intentional in what you do. For me, this has looked like focusing on visibility strategies outside of social media. I prioritize leveraging collaborations through podcast guesting, bundles, and speaking engagements. Each of these visibility strategies doesn’t require much of my time or energy. Yet, these strategies have allowed me to grow my community and sign my dream clients.

Asking My Husband for Help

You can’t do it all by yourself. Trying to run a business, care for your children, be a present wife, and more without any help will lead to burnout. When I started asking my husband to take on some of the household duties and help out more with the kids, I no longer felt stressed or overwhelmed. I also asked him to give me one day a week where I can focus solely on my business, and he handles everything with the kids. Incorporating a weekly CEO day in my business has been a game changer for my mental and emotional health, and business growth.

Learning to Say No

Learning to say no is hard when you’re a recovering people please; however, it truly empowers you to build a life first business. Realistically, you can’t say yes to everything. If you do say yes all of the time, you will find yourself stressed out and stretched way too thin. You have to say no in order to respect your current capacity. This may look like saying no to certain collaborations or potential clients or creating a new offer.

Doing these three things has truly supported me in building a life first business. I am clear on what my priorities are and how to build my business in a way that fits my current season of life. If you desire to build a life first business, ask yourself if what you’re currently doing supports the lifestyle you want to live.

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Did you know you can leave me a message on Speakpipe? Yes, you can leave me a message asking me any questions related to being a mompreneur, balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, running an online business, and podcasting! Head on over to Speakpipe to leave me a message with your question, and I will include your voice message in the episode I answer your question. Click here to leave me a message right now!

More About the Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast:


Mama, are you tired of feeling stressed and overwhelmed trying to start and grow your online business with your babies at home? Are you over feeling frustrated with not having enough time to dedicate to growing your online business? Do you desire to build a profitable business while still being fully present for your children and pouring into yourself? Mama, you can build your dream business and be the wife and mama you want to be without burnout, and I’m going to show you exactly how. Tune in each week to the Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast to learn business strategies made for mamas with babies and toddlers at home, how to grow your online business in part-time hours, and how to build a profitable business that fits your current season of life as a busy mama.

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Hey Mama!

Build a business that fits your current season of life as a work from home mom.

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