Interviewing guests on your podcast has many benefits, including giving you direct access to your guests’ audience and bringing relevant content to your audience. Although interviewing guests is a great way to grow your audience, how do you determine if a guest is a good fit for your podcast? Keep reading to learn the number one way to determine if a podcast guest is a good fit for your show.

The #1 Way to Determine if a Podcast Guest is a Good Fit
The best way to determine if a potential guest is a good fit for your podcast is by having them fill out a guest compatibility form. This is the best way to vet guests before scheduling them for a podcast interview. A guest compatibility form is basically an application for the guest to complete to see if they fit the criteria you have set for your podcast. There are many questions you can ask on the form; however, there are two primary questions you want to include to ensure you are getting a good idea of who they are and what they can offer your audience.

The Two Main Questions to Include on Your Podcast Guest Compatibility Form
The two questions you want to include on your podcast guest compatibility form are:
- Have you ever been a guest on a podcast or done something similar (e.g., Youtube, FB, or IG Live)?
- What are the links to your social media profiles?
Let’s dive into each of these questions.
Have you ever been a guest on a podcast or done something similar?
This question allows you to see how your podcast guest interviews. If your potential podcast guest has been interviewed on a podcast or done a FB or IG live interview, they will most likely know the basics of recording a podcast and will know what to expect. Also, make sure to request links to the podcast they were a guest on so that you can see how they interview. Let’s be honest…not everyone is good at interviewing, and that’s okay. However, you want to ensure whoever you have on your show will be engaging and bring relevant content to your audience.
What are the links to your social media profiles?
This is where you get to do some investigating. You want to ensure that your potential podcast guest aligns with your morals and values and will be someone your audience will enjoy and receive from. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is having a guest on your podcast that goes against what you stand for and will offend your audience. This is one of the quickest ways to lose your audience, so do your due diligence and vet the potential guest before ever sending them your scheduling link.

Final Thoughts on Vetting Out Potential Podcast Guests
A potential guest may sound good on paper, but they may not be a good fit for your show. It is your responsibility to ensure that whoever you invite to guest on your podcast will be a good fit and provide the same quality content you provide for your audience.
If you are unsure where to begin setting up your podcast guest management process in general, check out my blog on my 3 Tips for Staying Organized When Scheduling Podcast Guest Interviews. This post will guide you on three simple ways to stay organized when scheduling podcast guests for your show.

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