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Build a business that fits your current season of life as a mom in business.

Visibility strategist for moms in business who want to increase their visibility and sell their offers without relying on social media.

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engaging with your audience

Listen to today’s episode on Are You Caught in a Cycle of Growing and Engaging with Your Audience without Actually Selling Your Offers?:

Hey, Mama! Do you find engaging with your audience to be easier than selling your offers? Maybe you spend more time focusing on building community and giving lots of free value instead of selling your offers. While growing and engaging with your audience is necessary, you also have to invite your audience to work with you in order to sign clients and make money in your business. In today’s episode, we are diving into some of the mindset blocks that keep you in a cycle of engaging with your audience without selling and how to overcome those blocks.

Main Topics Covered in this Episode:

  • Why you can’t focus solely on growing and engaging with your audience
  • Why you need to sell your offers
  • Mindset blocks that keep you from consistently selling your offers
  • How to overcome those mindset blocks holding you back from selling your offers

Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

Related Episodes and Blog Posts:

engaging with your audience

The Problem with Engaging with Your Audience without Selling

It is easy to fall into a cycle of growing and engaging with your audience without ever selling to them. Giving lots of value and building relationships with the people in your audience feels good. However, if you don’t actually tell them how they can work with you, your business is more of a hobby than a business. Hobbies don’t pay the bills. You have to invite your audience to work with you in order to sign clients and make money. When you don’t tell your audience how they can work with you, you do them a disservice. They need the transformation you can help them achieve, but they won’t know that if you don’t tell them.

Why Engaging with Your Audience Feels Easier than Selling

You most likely default to engaging with your audience and implementing strategies to grow your audience because you don’t feel salesy. Often, the problem is that you are worried about what your audience will think if you tell them about how they can work with you. You have to change your mindset around selling. People want to be sold to. If you have the solution to their problem, then they need to know about it.

How to Overcome Your Blocks to Selling Your Offers

There are many fears that come up when it’s time to sell your offers. These are the most common fears and how to overcome them:

  • Fear of rejection: You may be afraid that no one will buy your offer after you promote it. I challenge you to view this differently. Someone can give you 1 of 3 responses when you pitch your services to them: yes, no, or not right now. As long as your offer(s) are a solution to someone’s problem, you will have people opt into your offers.
  • Fear of turning your audience off: The reality is that you will have people who will leave your community when you sell your offers. Those people aren’t the right fit, so you want them to leave. You have to make it clear that you are a business and tell people how they can work with you. When you make it clear that you are a business and how you help, the right people will find you.
  • Fear of being salesy: As long as you are selling ethically and the claims you make are true, you are not being salesy. You will face problems when you start making claims and promises that aren’t true or that you can’t replicate. Be honest in your marketing, be human, and you won’t be salesy.

In addition to overcoming these fears, you have to remember that your marketing platforms are your platforms. Since you are marketing on your platforms, you have every right to sell your offers. Lastly, shift your mindset around selling. Selling is just an invitation for someone to work with you. After you send them that invitation, they get to decide if they accept or not. You don’t have to pressure or scare people into working with you. Give them the information they need to make an informed decision about whether or not your offer is right for them.

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More About the Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast:


Mama, are you tired of feeling stressed and overwhelmed trying to start and grow your online business with your babies at home? Are you over feeling frustrated with not having enough time to dedicate to growing your online business? Do you desire to build a profitable business while still being fully present for your children and pouring into yourself? Mama, you can build your dream business and be the wife and mama you want to be without burnout, and I’m going to show you exactly how. Tune in each week to the Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast to learn business strategies made for mamas with babies and toddlers at home, how to grow your online business in part-time hours, and how to build a profitable business that fits your current season of life as a busy mama.

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Build a business that fits your current season of life as a work from home mom.

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