If you don’t have a large following on social media or your email list is non-existent, you may wonder how to start a podcast with no audience. The thing is that your audience size doesn’t determine your podcasting success. Even with a large audience, your podcast can be a complete flop if you don’t have these three things in place. Keep reading to learn the three things you actually need to start a podcast.
Stop Googling “How to start a podcast with no audience.” Focus on these three things instead.
Niche Down and You Will Grow Your Audience Through Your Podcast

I have talked a lot about the importance of niching down and having a clear niche, so I’m not going to talk about it in this sense (I would rather not beat a dead horse.) But, the bottom line is that you need to know WHO you’re serving (know the specifics about them) and HOW you will serve them. So, here are some blog posts and podcast episodes that break down what you need to know about niching down in your business and podcast.
- Blog: 3 Actionable Tips for Creating a Podcast that Will Grow Your Online Business
- Blog: When & Why You Should Niche Down as an Online Service Provider
- Episode 3: When Is The Right Time To Niche Down As An Online Business Owner, And Why You Need To Niche To Scale Your Business
- Episode 4: My Top 4 Tips For Choosing A Niche That Allows You To Grow And Scale Your Online Business
Niching down in your podcast and creating content that clearly conveys who you’re serving and how you’re serving them will free you from googling how to start a podcast with no audience. When you create podcast content that speaks to your target audience, your content will attract them, and your audience will grow organically. When my clients work with me, we get crystal clear on who they are serving, and we ensure their offers align with their ideal clients’ needs. I also push my clients to do market research to ensure that they are clear in their messaging and creating content their target audience desires.
Your Podcast Needs a Strategy for Marketing and Monetization
If you want to start a successful podcast when you don’t have a large audience, you need a good strategy for marketing and monetizing your podcast. People won’t know you have a podcast if you don’t talk about it. People won’t know what your offers are if you don’t talk about them. Strategy is more important than figuring out how to start a podcast with no audience.

When developing a marketing strategy, you want to create a detailed plan that will allow you to share your podcast with your target audience across multiple platforms. This is something I help my clients with during the 7 Day Pod Launch Get It Done Week. Leading up to their podcast launch, I push them to go live, share behind the scene looks into their podcast launch, guest on other podcasts, and other strategies that will give them and their podcast much visibility.
When monetizing your podcast, the first step is ensuring your offers are what your ideal clients want and need. This is why market research is so important. In addition to that, you must sell on your podcast. Now, I know for many, this is uncomfortable, and you may not know how to do this without feeling like a sleazy car salesman. It all boils down to telling people what you do and how you help on your podcast.
SEO and Keywords Matter Regardless if You Have an Audience

Using keywords in your podcast is a non-negotiable. I talk about SEO and the importance of using keywords in your podcast in this blog, so I’m not going to dive into how to incorporate keywords into your podcasts here. Keywords are essential for getting your podcast in front of your ideal clients. Pulling keywords out of thin air isn’t the answer, either. You should start with getting in the minds of your ideal clients and creating a list of “keywords” they are typing in Google. You can collect this information through market research or conversations with current or past clients.
The next step is to use a tool such as Keywords Everywhere to analyze these keywords. You want to consider the search volume, the competition, and the SEO difficulty. This will give you an idea of how frequently your ideal clients are googling these keywords and how difficult it will be for you to rank for these keywords. Your goal is to hit the first page of Google for these keywords so that when your ideal clients are searching for these keywords, your podcast content shows up. This is an excellent strategy for getting your content in front of your ideal clients.
Bottom line is that your focus shouldn’t be on how to start a podcast with no audience. Instead, put your energy into creating a podcast the right way by having a clear niche, a strategy for marketing and monetization, and implementing SEO strategies. By shifting your focus to these three things, you will launch a successful podcast that will get you in front of your ideal clients and generate warm leads for your business.
Ready to launch your podcast with strategy?
If you’re tired of googling all the things about starting a podcast and want to start a podcast with a marketing strategy and a clear plan for monetizing your podcast, join me for the 7 Day Pod Launch Get It Done Week! Launch your podcast with confidence and strategy to start generating consistent leads on autopilot. The Get It Done Week removes the overwhelm that comes with launching your podcast on your own. Click here to sign up for the Get It Done Week!

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